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Title Measuring the sport club experience quality for migrants in Germany: Development and validation of a sport club experience quality scale
Publication date 2018-06
Source v.30 no.1
Author(s) Doosik Min, Christoph Breuer
Page -
Publisher Korea Institute of Sport Science
Summary In Germany, the national initiative titled ‘Integration through Sport’ has been implemented to encourage migrants to participate in sport clubs that provide a range of activities and help build mutual relationships. In spite of this effort, the number of migrants in the clubs has continued to decrease rapidly over the past decade. Successful implementation of the program requires practitioners and operators to understand which experience quality elements actually encourage migrants to participate in the activities offered and can help the clubs in retaining them as members. Thus, the aim of this research was (1) to conceptualize the notion of sport club experience quality for migrants (SCEQM) and (2) to develop a valid and reliable instrument to measure the SCEQM. Consequently, 15 items in five factors were developed: staff, peers, sport program, interaction program, and facility. The result of confirmative factor analysis indicated that the data fit the model well. Key words: Experience quality, Service quality, Sport club, Integration, Migrants, Germany
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