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  • 연구자료 > 정기간행물안내 > IJASS


「IJASS」는 2016년 한국연구재단 등재학술지로 선정된 체육종합 영문 학술지입니다.

  • 창간 : 2000년 6월
  • 발행일 : 매년 6, 12월말
  • 한국연구재단 등재학술지
  • 제30권 제1호(2018.6월)부터 전자저널(e-journal)로 발행됩니다.
  • 2018년 이전 발간된 과월호는 한국스포츠정책과학원 도서관에서 열람 가능합니다.
연구과제원문 상세내용
제목 A Study of Need for Physical Activity of Korean Adults [발행] 표지사진 없음
저자 Lee,Byung Ki, Lee,Han Kyu, Kim,Mun Wha, Lim,B.J
발행일 1990-12
권호정보 v.2
원문 첨부파일
The present study identified and classified needs for physical activity. A questionnaire was developed to measure the needs of Korean adult residents in large cities. Seven factors of the needs for physical activity were identified and 42 items to measure the need factors were included in a questionnaire.

Responses by 1, 292 residents of Seoul area were analyzed and the following results were obtained.

(1) There was no difference by sex. However, men showed stronger needs than women in all the need factors except the need for exhibition.

(2) Young people had a stronger need for achieveinent while ndddle aged had a stronger needs for activity and caftnis. Men and women aged 60 and over had the lowest needs.

(3) Both men and women with higher education showed stronger needs. Education made no difference in the priorities given to the needs in men, but it did make difference in women.
(4) Occupafion made differences in the needs of both men and women alike. Top professionals had the highest needs, while lower-class workers had the lowest needs.

Finally, (5) Income had significant relationship with the needs. legh income group had the highest needs, while the low income group had the lowest ones. Low income group had especially low needs for affiliation and achievement.

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