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  • 연구자료 > 정기간행물안내 > IJASS


「IJASS」는 2016년 한국연구재단 등재학술지로 선정된 체육종합 영문 학술지입니다.

  • 창간 : 2000년 6월
  • 발행일 : 매년 6, 12월말
  • 한국연구재단 등재학술지
  • 제30권 제1호(2018.6월)부터 전자저널(e-journal)로 발행됩니다.
  • 2018년 이전 발간된 과월호는 한국스포츠정책과학원 도서관에서 열람 가능합니다.
연구과제원문 상세내용
제목 The Role of Visual Feedback in Rapid Movements [발행] 표지사진 없음
저자 Lee,K.H., Lee,B.K., Ku,H.M., Shin,D.S., Chung,C.H
발행일 1990-12
권호정보 v.2
원문 첨부파일
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of visual feedback information in rapid movements. Two experiments were conducted in order to test the minimum visual feedback processing time and the role of visual feedback information.

Experiment I was designed to examine minimum visual feedback processing time. Subjects participated in the experiment were 8 males, 25 years old on the average. The task in experiment I was single target aiming with stylus. The movement amplitude was held constant as 35cm. The data from experiment I was analyzed by 2 x 2 x 4 3-factors within subject

Experiment 2 was designed to examine the role of visual feedback information in movement phase. Subjects were 8 males, 21 years old on the average. The task in experiment 2 was also single target aiming with movement amplitude held 35cm. 30 trials was given tor each subject under each condition in experiments. The data from experiment 2 was analyized by single factor within-subject design.

Analysis of data revealed the following results:

1. The time required to process the visual feedback information is about 120msec.

2. The effect of the visual feedback uncertainty on visual feedback processing time is not significant.

3. The visual information is more important as the hand approaches the target than as the hand moves in intial portion of the target aiming movements.
담당자 이준호 전화 02-970-9570 팩스 02-970-9504