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「IJASS」는 2016년 한국연구재단 등재학술지로 선정된 체육종합 영문 학술지입니다.

  • 창간 : 2000년 6월
  • 발행일 : 매년 6, 12월말
  • 한국연구재단 등재학술지
  • 제30권 제1호(2018.6월)부터 전자저널(e-journal)로 발행됩니다.
  • 2018년 이전 발간된 과월호는 한국스포츠정책과학원 도서관에서 열람 가능합니다.
연구과제원문 상세내용
제목 Development of a Foot Pressure Distribution Measurement Mat [발행] 표지사진 없음
저자 Kwak,Chang Soo, Han,Kwang Rok, Jung,Dong Myung
발행일 1992-12
권호정보 v.4
원문 첨부파일
In Older to study the shock absorption mechanism of foot pressure distribution, a measurement (FPDM) mat was developed by using the force transducer of piezoelectric film, one of the recently developed new materials. The FPDM developed so far using force transducers such as capacitors, strain gauges, and Piezoelectric ceramics are somewhat inappropriate for the measurement of fast movemenl Knowledge of the mechanical function of feet during fast movement is essential because foot injuries occur frequently at that very moment.

The sensor used in this study has the dimension of 8mm X 1Omm With 28-mm thickness and the structure coated both sides in silver ink as electrodes and mylar coveming of 5/1,000 inches.

The FPDM mat has total area of 35O X 250 and thickness of 15mm with 5 layers. It has embedded sensors of 16 X 24 array which results in 384 channels with resolution of 10mm X 20mm.

In the measuring system, the input data are processed as follow: the data are multiplexed and amplified by the input scanning method and A/D converted; the stored data are processed by the signal processing technique to allocated proper colors according to the data size; the resulted graphic images are represented on the display as are printed materials.

담당자 이준호 전화 02-970-9570 팩스 02-970-9504