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  • 연구자료 > 정기간행물안내 > IJASS


「IJASS」는 2016년 한국연구재단 등재학술지로 선정된 체육종합 영문 학술지입니다.

  • 창간 : 2000년 6월
  • 발행일 : 매년 6, 12월말
  • 한국연구재단 등재학술지
  • 제30권 제1호(2018.6월)부터 전자저널(e-journal)로 발행됩니다.
  • 2018년 이전 발간된 과월호는 한국스포츠정책과학원 도서관에서 열람 가능합니다.
연구과제원문 상세내용
제목 The Relationship between Physical Exercise and Cognitive Ability (II) [발행] 표지사진 없음
저자 Gu,Hai Mo, Shin,Dong Sung, Lee,K.H., Choi,J.S., Yu,J
발행일 1992-12
권호정보 v.4
원문 첨부파일
This study was conducted with 120 subjects in their teens to investigate changes in their cognitive processes after exercise.

The result showed differences between the two test groups in all tasks. Changes in working memory were positiv regardless of sex in the group which exercised than in the one which did not; in other tasks such as the labyrinth test, sequence test, and arithmetic test changes were positive only in the male group.

Therefore it was concluded that a proper amount of exercise can facilitate cognitive processes: working memory, perception, and reasoning and that the effects of exercise can be variable depending on the personal state of the subjects including his attitude toward exercise and depending on the intensity and duration of exercise.

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