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「IJASS」는 2016년 한국연구재단 등재학술지로 선정된 체육종합 영문 학술지입니다.

  • 창간 : 2000년 6월
  • 발행일 : 매년 6, 12월말
  • 한국연구재단 등재학술지
  • 제30권 제1호(2018.6월)부터 전자저널(e-journal)로 발행됩니다.
  • 2018년 이전 발간된 과월호는 한국스포츠정책과학원 도서관에서 열람 가능합니다.
연구과제원문 상세내용
제목 Exploring consumer behavior in fitness centers with an emphasis on mediating effects of psychological well-being [발행] 표지사진 없음
저자 Yunduk Jeong, Jae-Gu Yu, Jaeyoung Shim, Eun Choi
발행일 2020-12
권호정보 v.32 no.2
원문 첨부파일
The aim of this study was to examine the structural relationships among sport participation motivation, psychological well-being, life satisfaction and revisit intention with an emphasis on exploring mediating effects of psychological well-being on the relationships among the research variables. Participants, who were members of a fitness center, completed surveys to assess these relationships. Results showed that sport participation motivation leads to psychological well-being and revisit intention, and psychological well-being is a critical factor in influencing life satisfaction and revisit intention. Moreover, the path from sport participation motivation and life satisfaction was fully mediated by psychological well-being, and the path from sport participation motivation and revisit intention was partially mediated by psychological well-being, which underlines the importance of mediation role of psychological well-being. These results imply that fitness managers should manage sport participation motivation and psychological well-being of customers.

Key words: sport participation motivation, psychological well-being, life satisfaction, revisit intention, pilates
담당자 이준호 전화 02-970-9570 팩스 02-970-9504