The Development of
Youth through Sports Activities

By investigating the role of the sports for youth and Contributing to a positive
Development of youth, KISS will try to solve youth problems.

UNESCO Chair program was established in 1992, in accordance with a resolution adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO at its 26th session (1991).

unesco logo /kiss logoThis UNESCO program serves as a prime means of building the capacities of higher education and research institutions through the exchange of knowledge and sharing, in a spirit of international solidarity.

The UNESCO Chair can be placed in education and research institutes which are able to conduct an in-depth study on natural and humanitarian sciences, education, culture, and informational communication. Also the institution has to secure ability and will to share about the research assets.

UNESCO Chair is granted to the institution that is approved by UNESCO and not to an individual. The major activities are education, research, scholar and student exchange, workshop, seminar, development of professor program and publish. In this process, UNESCO chair will serve as a bridge and "think tanks" among the academia, NGO's, regional community and policy makers. 유네스코 석좌 -> 학계 / 정책 결정자 / 지역사회 / 비 정부기관